Fibercreek is a start up company with the main goal of providing internet to Eastern Allegany County. Our area has been neglected by the large ISP’s for far too long. It’s now time that we take control of our own situation and build this network ourselves!
How It Works
Fibercreek uses carrier grade wireless networking equipment placed on towers throughout the County. A subscriber radio will be placed at your location which will be connected to a router in your home. This router will provide both a wired port and a wireless network to connect your devices such as laptops, desktops, gaming systems, and smart TV’s.
Getting Started
To get started head over to our registration page and sign up. We will contact you as soon as possible to schedule your Site Survey to determine if coverage can be provided at your location.
- Registration
- Site Survey
- Equipment Install
- Happy Surfing!
Who we Are
Fibercreek is owned and operated by lifelong members of the community. When you call our support line, you’ll reach a real human in Allegany County, Maryland.